Blackmagic Design 3G-SDI Arduino Shield

SDI Arduino Sheild for SDI devices

Arduino expansion board or “shield” to develop custom control solutions for Blackmagic Design cameras

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£118.00 £98.33
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Building custom solutions for controlling cameras via SDI connections is difficult and requires high speed digital design skills. This means it’s quite difficult for broadcast engineers who want to integrate Blackmagic Design’s cameras into their own custom systems because they would need to build SDI based hardware to do remote control of those cameras using the Blackmagic Camera SDI Control Protocol. To solve this problem Blackmagic Design has created a new SDI expansion board for Arduino micro controllers called the Blackmagic 3G-SDI Arduino Shield to make it easier for broadcast engineers and technicians to create custom solutions to controllers for Blackmagic Design cameras.

  • 3G-SDI Arduino Shield is an Arduino expansion board or “shield” that makes it possible for anyone to develop their own custom control solutions for Blackmagic Design cameras
  • Arduino is a popular low cost open source micro controller platform used by developers and enthusiasts
  • Attaches to any Arduino and then supports inserting camera control commands into the 3G-SDI link to the camera
  • Blackmagic Studio Cameras and URSA Mini can now be controlled remotely via Arduino code and you can design and build your own custom CCU or broadcast automation solutions